My VBAC birth story

Some background...I birthed my son via planned c-section for breech presentation in 2016 (3 years prior to my VBAC). I felt supported in my choices and overall it was a positive birth experience. But, part of me always wondered and wished that I got to experience labour..

In preparation for my VBAC I tried ALL the things. Calmbirth, yoga, acupuncture, chiropractor, massage, medjool dates, meditation, spinning babies, raspberry leaf tea, curries, stair walking, hand expressing etc. etc.. As I approached my due date, then passed it, my doubts started to creep in. As a midwife I knew being post dates was normal, but I didn't realise how mentally challenging it could be! After a lot of thought and discussion I decided that I wanted to be induced at 41+3 weeks. Around 41 weeks I cried a lot every day, which sounds kind of ridiculous now..I'm sure it was a mixture of hormones and the feeling like I was going to be pregnant forever.

On the morning of my induction I felt nervous and excited. I had a stretch and sweep the day before so I already knew I was 3cm dilated and baby's head was low, so I didn't have to go through the cervical ripening process. The CTG prior to having my waters broken showed I was already contracting regularly, but I didn't find the tightenings uncomfortable at all, more like regular Braxton hicks.

I had my waters broken by my obstetrician around 9am, then I was keen to get moving. I went for a walk around the hospital grounds with my husband, climbing the carpark stairs and gutter walking. I returned intermittently to check in on baby's heart rate. After about an hour of walking and stair climbing I started to feel quite exposed and agitated. The braxton hicks contractions were becoming more intense and I had the immediate urge to get back to the privacy of my room.

Back in the room I tried to lie down and rest, I wanted to pace myself and conserve energy, but nothing felt comfortable. The tightenings were too intense to lay still, sit on the birth ball or even be on all fours. I ended up standing, leaning forward over the bed and swaying in a semi squat during the contractions. My midwife was helping me with some stretches/lunges to help create space for baby. It also gave me something to focus on as I found the movement was a great distraction. I had the CTG on, but I didn't take much notice of it, and I was only vaguely aware of anything happening in the room as time seemed to be passing by quickly.

After 2-3 hours in the room I felt that things were intensifying and I got that restless feeling again. I asked if we could go to birth suite so I could get into the bath. I stripped down to my crop top and shorts as everything else felt hot and uncomfortable. I had to stop once on the walk around to birth suite, clutching to the hand rail for support, the bath was so close but it felt like the longest walk I'd ever made. I felt immediate relief in the bath, I was able to stretch my legs out behind myself and fully relax my body in between contractions.

I'd been in the bath for about an hour, focusing on my breathing, stretching, moving, and being gently encouraged by my midwife and husband. Then I started to feel a short pushing urge at the peak of my contractions, followed by a completely involuntary grunting noise. I had a sudden moment of clarity, I snapped out of labour-land and declared to my midwife "If I'm only 5cm I don't think I can do this anymore." I felt doubt and panic rising up inside of me. I didn't realise in that moment but of course, had I not been in labour at the time I would have easily recognised, I was transitional. My midwife grabbed a mirror and told me the best news I could have hoped to hear, there was head on view.

My midwife reassured me to just follow my body. I was so excited and relieved, I had been fighting that urge to push thinking there was no way I could be ready. Even so, the next 2ish hours were hard work! I changed positions multiple times, and it really took the support of 2 midwives, my husband and my obstetrician to keep me going. Lots of cool face washers, ice chips, hand holding, massage, words of encouragement and finally she was crowning. At that moment I felt something wasn't quite right, I asked my midwife if my baby's chin was out, she told me that no it wasn't. My OB suggested standing into a side leg lunge with my foot up on the side of the bath.

As soon as I lifted my foot onto the side of the bath I felt my baby's whole body shift around and move downwards. She birthed easily with the next contraction, and I sat back down into the bath cuddling her close. Completely exhausted, but more proud and ecstatic than I have ever felt in my life. She was 4.1kg of perfection and every muscle in my body hurt the next day, a reminder of how hard I had worked, but I still couldn't wipe the smile off my face!


Ladder of Comfort


Water immersion for labour & birth