Ladder of Comfort

It may be helpful to think about pain relief options in labour like a ladder. Start at the bottom rungs with less invasive comfort measures then move upwards if needed.

At the bottom rungs you may have; breathing, massage, acupressure, heat packs, visualisation, movement, change of position and TENS machine.

Moving upwards you could consider; shower, bath, sterile water injections, gas and air.

The top rungs of the ladder are considered more invasive due to increased risk and monitoring; narcotics (morphine/pethidine injection), epidural.

Remember! There are no rules, you may move up and down between levels or combine them. You may alternate TENS and the shower. You could use gas and air in the bath. Each labour is different and will require something different.

Lastly, while it is useful having a knowledge of comfort measures so you can be empowered to use them in a way that is right for you, there is no right or wrong. Whether you only used heat packs or you had an epidural, it doesn't make your birth 'more' or 'less'. Either way, you are amazing for birthing your baby!


Decision making in pregnancy, labour and birth


My VBAC birth story